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About value4you

value4you, s.r.o. the expert organization, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic in the field: Economy and management of enterprises, sectors: Pricing and evaluation of enterprises. As an expert organization we process expert reports in the field of determining the value of the business and process or part of a business, or of the individual components of the assets. Processing expert reports is carried out in accordance with applicable legislation. Two members of a team of expert organization actively work also for the University of Economics in Bratislava, where they are involved in education in the field of assessment of businesses (management of the value of the business, real estate brokerage). In the processing of expert opinions based on the requirements of a client, while we respect all binding rules and moral values of the members of the expert team of the organization. In addition to processing expertise we provide accounting and tax advice and services in the field of transfer evaluation.

We prepare a new professional publication focusing on the issue of assessment of businesses for you

Copyright team composed of Ing. Miroslav Jakubec, PhD. and doc. Ing. Peter Kardoš, PhD. We prepare a new professional publication focusing on the issue of assessment of the businesses for you.


Transfer of intellectual property through licensing agreements and other instruments of transfer

Ing. Miroslav Jakubec and doc. Ing. Peter Kardos, PhD. are currently involved in a research project aimed at Transfer of intellectual property through licensing agreements and other instruments of transfer.


Our Team


Ing. Miroslav Jakubec, PhD.

Expert in Economy and management
Industrial property


doc. Ing. Peter Kardoš, PhD.

Expert in Economy and management
Industrial property


Ing. Peter Fabian, PhD. MBA

Expert in Economy and management
Tax adviser


The members of the expert team have a wealth of experience with processing of expert reports for the various legal transactions (cash, restructuring, squeeze-out, pledge, merger, etc.), as highlighted by the projects on which they work together. Due to confidentiality, we only present an overview of the businesses which have expertise prepared.

Kia Motors Slovakia s.r.o.

U. S. Steel Košice, s. r. o.

Bory Mall, a.s.

Rádio Expres

All references