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Valuation of businesses and individual components of the assets

The determination of the value of the business and the individual components of assets is carried out in accordance with Decree No. 492/2004 Coll. of the Ministry of Justice, as amended. The value of the business as a whole provides in particular for the following reasons:

  • change in the legal form of the business
  • cash deposit of a business or part of the business
  • sale of a business or part of a business
  • transfer of a business or part of a business between related parties
  • evaluation of a business within the framework of the restructuring process
  • mandatory offer to takeover or squeeze out
  • etc.

In the case of the assessment of the components of the assets the expert report is prepared, in particular, for the following reasons:

  • transfer of assets between related persons
  • creation of lien
  • cash deposit
  • bankruptcy, liquidation, restructuring
  • etc.

The valuation of intellectual property rights

The valuation of items of intellectual property has grown in importance in recent years. The orientation of the businesses on the new technologies, the production of higher added-value and the arrival of foreign investors as well as the need for assessment of components of the intellectual property (trademarks, patents, domain names, know-how, designs, logos, unincorporated label, etc.). Our expert organization has two experts devoted to the field of industrial property (doc. Ing. Peter Kardoš, PhD., Ing. Miroslav Jakubec, PhD.), who, as the only ones in the Slovak Republic are deeper involved assessment of intangible assets (research projects in the field of licence fees, professional publications in the field of assessment of intangible assets and licence fees – Economic expertise – selected issues of economic, technical and scientific articles and training activities in this field).

Transfer pricing

One of the basic obligations of dependants is monitoring the prices and conditions under which individual transactions between them are carried out. To determine the difference between the prices used dependants in mutual transactions and prices used by independent persons in comparable transactions, various methods of transfer pricing are used. Our services in the field of transfer pricing:

  • analysis of transfer prices, assessment of methods for the determination of transfer prices in their mutual commercial relations,
  • elaboration of documentation for transfer measurement in accordance with applicable regulations, tax planning in relation to transfer prices preparation
  • advocacy and documentation of transfer prices when making tax audits or in litigation


Tax and accounting advice

We offer advice and assistance in tax consultancy in the framework of the preparation of all kinds of reports and returns in the tax area, in accordance with the applicable legislation. In addition to representing clients in tax proceedings, we represent our clients in tax audits and litigations. In addition to the tax, the proposal of an appropriate tax structure optimization, tax consultancy in the field of all kinds of taxes in accordance with the applicable legislation, we also advice in the field of accounting. We provide professional help in preparing financial statements and accounting procedures, internal directives, development of validated circulation documents and internal control accounting system.

Calculation of lost profits and damages

In accordance with generally accepted legal theory as well as practice, concepts of damage, real damage, loss of profit, and causal link are defined as follows:

  1. Damage (as a general category, including the actual damage and lost profit) is understood as the harm occurred (shown) in the sphere of the damaged property and is an objectively expressible by a general equivalent, i.e. money.
  2. The real damage is a material damage, consisting of loss (reducing) the status of the damaged assets, which came into existence as a result of a breach of a legal obligation and a causal link with it. A real damage represents property values, which could be spent in order to restore original state.
  3. Loss of earnings is the material harm that lies in the fact that the injured party to an increase does not suffer increase in property values, although it could be expected in respect of business as usual, if there was no breach of a legal obligation.

The procedure of calculation of damages and loss of earnings in most cases is unique. Many years of exposure to members of the expert team of the organization on campus and University of Economics in Bratislava gives significant knowledge in the field of processing of such expert reports to the expert organization value4you, s.r.o.